About Saul Wilson Syndrome
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How common is Saul Wilson Syndrome?
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What causes Saul Wilson Syndrome?
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Is Saul Wilson Syndrome inherited?
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What gene is associated with Saul Wilson Syndrome?
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How is a diagnosis made?
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What are the physical characteristics?
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What are the associated medical problems?
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What are things to watch out for?
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What are the best care practices?
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Persons perspective
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Parents perspective
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Research/Clinical papers available
Information Being Reviewed and Updated
Please note the information on this page does not replace individual medical advice or provides a diagnosis. If any parent or guardian visiting this site thinks their child has a form of Microcephalic Primordial Dwarfism, they should consult a local Clinical Geneticist or ask their local paediatrician/doctor to make a referral to one of our doctors on our Medical Advisory Board.
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Frequently Asked Questions:
I think our child has Microcephalic Primordial Dwarfism. Can you help us?
Yes we can! All you need to do is send an email to Sue Connerty at sue.connerty@walkingwithgiants.org and she will get back to you via email asking some information about your child. On receipt of your reply, she will the assess the information and consult with doctors on our Medical Advisory Board. If all information corresponds with the criteria needed for the WWGF to your child and your family, The WWGF will then send you some information how to regisiter for support and unite with other families affected by Microcephalic Primordial Dwarifism.
How can I help the Walking With Giants Foundation?
How do I make a donation?
There are several ways that you can make a donation, please visit our 'Making A Donation' page.
If you would like your donation to be recognised please let us know by:
Calling us 0151 526 0134 (from within the UK),
Calling us +44 151 526 0134 (from outside of the UK),
Email us on enquiries@walkingwithgiants.org,
or by writing to us at, Walking With Giants Foundation, PO Box 85, Maghull, Liverpool, L31 6WW.